Friday, March 23, 2012

A simple but powerful witness

It was an intense conversation when I heard some words that have continued to ring in my ears: "I would say something, but it wouldn't glorify God."
The conversation kept moving, but this statement stuck with me like a song that you can't get out of your mind.
Someone had the wisdom to recognize that what they were tempted to say would not bring glory to God and so that stopped the comment. How rare is that?
One of the richest legacies of our country is freedom of speech. But just because we have the freedom to speak doesn't mean we have the moral right to say anything that pops into our heads.
I love Facebook. Yet, every day I read posts, I am reminded that with these marvelous instant technologies, the rush to make a comment often overrides wisdom, the Golden Rule or glory to God.
Freedom and access bring their own seductions to thoughtless speech. Since hearing this simple but powerful witness, I have been listening across the spectrum of communication -- my own inner temptations to say things that don't bring glory to God, family conversations, exchanges of church people and the cacophany of political communication.
I find it staggering to imagine how much holier life would be in families, in churches, in our communities and in our democracy if Christians took this simple sentence as a guide before deciding what to say.
"Would the words on the tip of my tongue bring glory to God?" What a difference that simple sentence might make!

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