Friday, April 16, 2010

Something all the time...

I am so blessed.
There is something blooming in my yard all the time. In spring, first it was crocus. Then hyacinths. Then daffodils. Then tulips. As each spring species died out, another different, beautiful flower came into blossom.
At first, my hardy winter pansies were the only signs of flowering life. But now, the pansies are surrounded by blooming flowers and bushes on every hand.
Now it is the azaleas and lilacs that are flaming. And the rose bushes are just beginning their blooming.
Every day, a walk around the yard brings a beautiful new discovery.
Something always in bloom is the sign of a master gardener.
Although I plant plenty of flowers myself, I am not a master gardener. The careful planning, well-placed shrubs, perennials and bulbs in my yard is way beyond my experience and expertise. The bright annuals that I plant are only complements to the ever-beautiful landscaping that is already in place. The flowering I enjoy comes from the careful planning of a master gardener who preceded me in this place.
Each day, as I soak in the beauty of the flowering around me, I remember that God is the true Master Gardener. And I need to look in my life as much as my yard for what new thing God is bringing to beauty. God is always bringing something beautiful to life. As one thing blooms out, there is another project or person or passion to come to life.
We are very aware that life contains one worry after another, one trouble after another, one challenge after another. "It's one thing after another...." I think and hear often in a negative way.
This spring, I am certain that the Creator of the world and the Master Gardener of my life is always bringing something to life in a beautiful way of blessing. While it's hard to miss the beautiful flowers of my yard, it's distressingly easy to miss the beautiful flowering God plants in the spirit. What rich gifts each day holds!

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