Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Michael Jackson - Big Deal Indeed

I know there are some people who are tired of the news coverage of Michael Jackson's death. "What's the big deal?" posted a 13 year old acquaintenance of mine on Facebook.
Here's where age has advantages. One of my most prized possessions is a Michael Jackson pin. It was given to me as a gift from a beautiful 5 year old in my first congregation in Indianola, Mississippi. The gift was breathtaking. Her Michael Jackson pin was, truly, her most prized possession.
I know it's hard for some people to grasp his impact after the strange--sometimes bizarre-- twists that Michael Jackson's life took. But, back in 1984, Michael Jackson had a remarkable impact on the black young people I loved and pastored in Indianola. He lifted their spirits and put a pride and energy into those young lives like nothing else. "Thriller" was big. His extraordinary dance moves set everyone's feet to tapping and hands to clapping... Every kid I knew could moonwalk or was trying to learn. There was no denying the powerful impact he had on their lives--an impact that was energizing and positive.
I'm no expert. But I put his lifting impact alongside Michael Jordan in sports and Barak Obama in politics. He was a singing, swirling hero at a time when breaking barriers was life-impacting, especially for black young people. That's what I remember. That's what I value. Although twists and torments developed in Michael Jackson's life through the years, I marveled at the way he made a difference to young lives that I loved. And, in that historical context, Michael Jackson's giftenedness was an invaluable contribution to them and to us all.
Life is intense, complicated and fragile. Some of the most gifted people are also the most tormented. We never know what will be next. His death is a chance to celebrate the good and learn lessons. That will take some time.

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