Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mary DID Know -- Do We?

I hate to ruin someone's favorite song...and, in spite of Sunday morning's epiphany, "Mary Did You Know?" is one of my favorite contemporary Christmas songs. I heard Sunday morning at my home church in Frankfort, Kentucky when I got to be home with my family for Christmas. The haunting music was artistically played and beautifully sung and I was really taken with the song until I realized that the lyrics are very far away from the biblical text.
The song is focused on asking if Mary, the mother of Jesus, realized that He would walk on water, heal the sick, raise the dead, etc. But to sing a song based around that premise is really to ignore the biblical text. With all due respect to the composer, the Bible tells us that Mary DID know. The angel had told her. And we know that Mary got the message because of both her speech and her actions. Her speech -- the glorious Magnificat in Luke 1 lets us know that Mary realized that God was turning things upside down. And her obedience to this dangerous, life-changing assignment also indicates that Mary DID know that Jesus was both unique and powerful and transformative. Mary knew. The question is, do we?
We may not have had the Angel Gabriel to make a personal announcement -- but we have such a rich, full experience of the revelation of Jesus. We have the accounts of the life that unfolded and we have the personal experience of the Savior who makes a difference in our lives and in the world. And yet, our speech and action often doesn't show that we know that Jesus is a life-changing Savior.
I don't mean to ruin the song, but the Bible is clear: Mary knew. Do we?

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