Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Needs next door

I was broken-hearted to learn this week that my next door neighbor had been in the hospital for over a week. I was sad that he had been hospitalized...but, even more so that I hadn't known he was there. I would have gone for a visit, sent flowers, checked on his wife -- something.
I love my home. But my neighbors have made my life such a joy. They are thoughtful and helpful and friendly -- really special people. I am so grateful for them.
I was reminded of something important. There is always more going on than we know -- even with those nearby.
When I served a local church, I always knew every Sunday that people were sitting next to people who had struggles/challenges that were not yet public. At times, I cringed when I heard careless, casual comments that cut others to the core. Those comments -- which people often thought harmless, made it harder for people to share their hearts and deep struggles.
Pastors are often advised to speak in conversations as if everyone in their congregation is related. Many times, most people are related! But, even if they are not, it is so wise to speak thoughtfully! We never know the burdens people are carrying on the inside.
How much more loving we might be--better neighbors and better Christians-- if we remember that there is so much more going on in the lives of those around us than what we see from the outside.

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