I heard a very sad story this week that has made me wonder if some people in church have any idea what it means for Christ to be born in the world. The story has caused me to grieve over how far away we, apparently, have let church people get from the meaning of Jesus.
Once upon a time, in 2009, a church decided to give a Christmas party for a needy family. Several weeks before the party, some church members realized they didn't have enough money for the party. So they cancelled it.
Before long, the pastor heard of plans for a Christmas party.
Not a party for a needy family.
But a party for church members.
Apparently there was enough money for that.
I wish I could say this story of two parties is a fairy-tale or an embellished illustration for sermon material. But I am sad to say it is the true story -- a tragic story--of a church this Christmas season. A church that has missed the heart of the Christmas story.
This gets my nomination for saddest story of the year. And, if I were the Christian I should be, I would say, "Lord, have mercy." But what I really want to say is, "Lord, shake them up! Get their attention! Draw them outside themselves!" Maybe the best middle place is my fervent, daily prayer that somehow the Christmas story would be heard anew in that church this year...the true message of God's sacrifice for our abundant and eternal life...and God's call to us to live out the gift of life to others. No matter what happens at their party, this is going to be a sad story until they understand that the heart of Jesus is always reaching out to others. Be born in them, O Christ -- and be born in all of us--anew this year.
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