Snow-blanketed world, Christmas music, a clear schedule (except for watching Duke basketball!), baking Mother's favorite holiday recipes...
How I have needed a day like this!
Today is also richly blessed for me because my daughter, Christi, is preaching her first funeral. Knowing her like I do, I know she is going to be a great blessing to a family in need. She personifies the grace of Christ, the kindness of God's great heart and extraordinary compassion.
Although she is very eloquent in words, she will be a blessing just being herself. What a great joy for me to know she is making a difference to a family and her church today.
Sometimes, when people hear that Christi was commissioned last June or know that she is a United Methodist minister, they will say, "So, she's following her mother's footsteps." Actually, she is not. Anyone who has grown up as a preacher's kid knows better. If anything, growing up with a preacher parent is an impediment to accepting the call to ministry. Preachers kids think twice -- three-four times before going into the ministry themselves.
The greatest thing is that Christi is following Jesus. I am very content with my day at home. She is a blessing to me each day. Today, I am thrilled to know that her life is being a special blessing to someone else. A day overflowing with blessings indeed.
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