Easter is so much more than a wonderful day. The gift of resurrection takes a lifetime to understand and personally apply...
We had sweet moments looking at flowers, listening to noises in the fellowship hall...she notices everything! Then I walked her through the cemetery which is adjacent to the church.
Mia looked absolutely adorable on her first Easter. She listened attentively as I whispered in her ear about the best gift of Easter. As beautiful (and advanced) as she is, I am sure she will not remember my talking to her as I walked her through the tombstones. As she grows, I hope I can continue to tell her -- and live for her--the true gift of Easter. I need to keep telling her that the gift of Easter is not new clothes. It is not Easter egg hunts or children singing or lilies or the big turnout at church. The gift of Jesus at Easter is much bigger than all that. The gift of Easter is that those tombsones in the cemetery are place markers, not tragic endings. The gift of Easter is that Jesus conquers all--the very worst that life can thow at us is no match for His triumphant power.
My beautiful little girl, Easter means that, with our lives anchored in Christ, we need not fear death -- or anything else in life. Oh, how important it is for Easter to sink in on today's disciples! How fearful and anxious and reactive we are! Jesus found his disciples and, without waiting for them to open the door, He stood among them and said, "Peace." May peace be ours. The peace of Christ---the victory of Christ: that's the best gift of Easter.